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Looking for a "different" apocalypse story? You may have finally found it.

Abe thought he was ready for this. He'd watched the movies, read the books, and prepared accordingly. But when the monsters arrived, he realized Hollywood didn't get all the facts right. Some of these things are so different it begs the question; are they zombies or something worse?

Maybe it's because the source isn't a virus, but a fungus? Or that it was synthesized in a laboratory? But who would attempt something so dastardly? How many lives will be lost when humans manipulate what they should have left alone?

The burning question, the one the world will desperately seek to answer: Who do you turn to when monsters are eating you alive? Well, unfortunately for you, it's Abe and he really doesn't care what your name is. He'll just forget it anyway because he's, well, he's Abe. But he's the guy you want on your apocalypse survival team, or maybe not. You'll have to decide that for yourself. But his friends, they'll take the edge off Abe... if he stops talking long enough to listen.

The worst of it lurks in New York City, hundreds of miles away from Abe's suburban Northeast Ohio home. And it's an evil no one is ready for.

You might laugh, you won't cry (no crying during the apocalypse,) you may even gag a little, but you will definitely want to punch Abe! He has that effect on people - and he really doesn't care!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 304 Pages
  • File Size: 2,198 KB

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