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Discover Archer's Hollow: A Place Where Magic Isn't Just a Fairy Tale.

Where shadows whisper secrets and relics hold untold power...

Fiona Byrne is back in town, but this isn't the Archer's Hollow she once knew. As she inherits Aunt Agatha's quaint cottage, she's thrust into a whirlwind of enigma. Why is Aunt Cassandra so keen on driving her away?

Dive deep into a world where friends may be foes, where an ancient society of witches protects powerful relics, and where Fiona's lineage might just be the key to it all.

When a precious relic vanishes and the scent of murder fills the air, can Fiona embrace her latent witch's prowess to combat a looming darkness?

The handsome journalist, Levi, involves himself in the murder mystery and Fiona's business. Will he be friend or foe? Or something more?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 281 Pages
  • File Size: 1,061 KB

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