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Five years in jail as the victim of a frame-up is a long time for Russ Enderby who was jailed on a rustling charge at a neighbour's spread.

But it gives him time to wonder who wants him out of the way - and why.

Russ returns home after his release determined to find the answers but soon sees the changes that time has brought to this home.

His father is dead and the girl he had planned to marry is now promised to Cole Dexter.

Added to this, Russ has lost all credibility and friendship in his town as people believe him to be a lowlife criminal.

His only relationship remaining intact is with Sheriff Walt Redfern who pledges to help Russ discover the man behind his frame up.

As Russ doggedly searches for the truth, passions boil, murders occur and the climax flames into hectic gunplay.

Praise for Clinton Spurr

'A classic gun-toting adventure that will transport you straight back to the old west' - bestselling author Tom Casey

Clinton Spurr (1928), is one of fifty pseudonyms for British author, Donald S. Rowland, who was born in Norfolk, England. Rowland is married with three children, and previously had a variety of jobs, including film projectionist and Senior Clerk and Local Government Officer. It was only in 1964 that he dedicated his time to writing full-time and has since written a variety of novels, from science-fiction to westerns.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 143 Pages
  • File Size: 2,065 KB

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