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Welcome to Rydding, the hidden village you might stumble across if you need a home and a fresh start.

For Elwyn Howell, the village is a lifesaver when she finds it just as she's run out of strength and hope while running for her life. The abandoned healer's cottage welcomes her, even though she's given up on that calling. She opens a tea shop instead, using her knowledge of herbs and her empathic gift that allows her to select the perfect tea for each customer. Soon, she's feeling at home in the village community.

She's afraid it's too good to last, a fear that's confirmed when she finds a wounded man unconscious in her garden. Was he sent by the people who are hunting her? Not even he knows, since he has no memory of who he is or how he got there. As she nurses him back to health, they develop a close bond, but the specter of both their pasts -- the one she's fleeing and the one he doesn't remember -- gets in the way. He doesn't know what life he may have left behind, and she lives in constant fear that her old life will catch up with her and she'll end up convicted of a murder she's not entirely sure she didn't commit.

They can't hide forever, not even in Rydding, and if they want to have a future, they'll have to confront their pasts.

A new cozy cottagecore romantic fantasy from the author of Enchanted, Inc.

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  • We started tracking this book on October 20, 2023.
  • This book was $5.99 when we started tracking it.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 220 Pages
  • File Size: 4,601 KB

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