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Lost in the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Jan and Kelly are on their own. The two Western teenagers have managed to break free from their Taliban captors. But now what?

They are at the mercy of the brutal extremists taking over the huge arsenal the Americans left behind. The only chance of survival may rest with Farrukh, a Hazara tribesman who offers Jan and Kelly a refuge - if they can reach his village in the mountains of central Afghanistan.

They must also decide if they can trust Hafizullah, the disgraced Taliban fighter who kidnapped them. Maimed by a suicide bomb in the body crush at Kabul Airport, he must convince his former hostages to save his life.

Uneasy new alliances will be tested as they cross hostile territory to capture the weapons that they will need for the battle to free Farrukh's village from Taliban overlords. Fighting to stay alive in the territory they have dubbed The Circle of Fire, Jan and Kelly will question their Western values and everything they thought they knew about Friendship, love, life and death In Afghanistan.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 351 Pages
  • File Size: 428 KB

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