



Two books in one, this book was written specifically for sales managers as a companion for our most popular book, The Art of War for the Sales Warrior. The management methods presented in this book follow Sun Tzu's principles line by line, with the complete text of The Art of War on the left-hand pages and the sales management adaptation, Strategy for Sales Managers, on the facing right-hand pages.

Readers can see that they are getting a proven philosophy that has survived 2,500 years, not just another sales theory from the expert of the month. Recognized by the Independent Publishers Book Award as one of the best Business books of the year.


Foreword-Sales Force

Introduction-5 Elements and 9 Skills

1-Sales Position

2-Profitable Sales

3-Sales Focus

4-Defense and Advance

5-Sales Excitement

6-Expansion Opportunities

7-Company Politics

8-Crucial Decisions

9-Outmaneuver Competitors

10-Guiding Salespeople

11-Management Challenges

12-Competitive Vulnerability

13-Information Power


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 192 Pages
  • File Size: 712 KB

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