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Picking Big Priced Winners

by (RaceData publications)

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Never Look A Gift Horse In The Mouth:
It was the eve of a holiday in June 2016 when I casually announced to my wife I had won over £14000. She was surprised at the calm way I related my good news.Perhaps I was in shock at winning that amount for the huge outlay of £1.50 ( 5p each way Lucky 15. Now I will confess that I am a gambling addict- horse racing only I would add- but always back at puny odds ie 5p stakes online . On the odd occasion I use a High Street bookmaker I up the ante to 10p stakes, merely out of embarrassment.I wrote this book with the intention of helping those who would like to find winners at decent prices and, moreover, do not want to spend hours poring over form books. Let's face it, I have been backing horses for over 60 years but will never be as clued up on equine form as those who study it as a profession. I assume that applies to you also. So I wrote the book to help others and in all fairness it was not well received by some people . I would love to read their books when they have been written as I assume they will be worth their weight in gold.My book will NOT make me rich, nor was it meant to ( how many books at 99p will I need to sell to buy my mansion on the hill?) In fact, I usually make more in a day betting on horses than I'll make in a year from book sales. I doubt I will ever experience another £14k win but I win considerable sums on a regular basis- again form Lucky 15s. 31s, 63s at 5p stakes. For your perusal I offer the following results, going back to May 2017. there were many more but i have only listed those over £100. 24/5 EW Lucky 15 ret £594.14: 18/6 L31 £363.33: 1/7 L31 £105.55: 20/07 L63 £293.95; 24/8 EW L15 £201.68: 22/09 EW L15 £238.15: 02/10 £524.11: 06/10 L63 £161.65: 7/10 L63 £346.45: 12/10 L63 £357.45: 17/10 L63 £191.90: 18/10 L63 £388.75 : 18/10 L63 £611.95 : 19/10 £172.85. Today is the 20th of October and I have a number of bets awaiting results. I may win a decent amount today - or not- but most days I get decent returns, if not always over the £100 mark. So, why am I telling you all this? To boast? To get you to buy the book? No, I am trying to demonstrate that it is not necessary to over complicate betting on horses, nor is it necessary to spend huge amounts on the sport. I bet for fun- and there is a lot of fun to be gained by winning decent amounts- and with small stakes that doesn't threaten the household economics or point me towards Gamblers Anonymous. In all honesty I am not bothered by the critical reviews, nor do I mind if no one else ever buys the book. I wish you all luck in your betting, however you choose you horses.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 19, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 63 Pages
  • File Size: 235 KB

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