



Are you ready for a new way to seek justice - an ancient way to know God?
Finally, a practical guide on how to do justice and grow in discipleship -- from those on the frontlines of the battle in the world's darkest and most dangerous places. Jim Martin and International Justice Mission are experts not only at bringing rescue to victims of violence, sex trafficking, slavery, and oppression, but also, at bringing churches into the fight, through concrete steps that actually make a difference. Learn how to carry out one of the Bible's core commands -- to seek justice -- in a way that amounts to more than mere words and good intentions. In the process, you'll discover one of the most powerful tools to grow faith and deepen discipleship. In The Just Church, Martin shares tangible, accessible strategies to respond to God's call to seek justice, defend the widow and orphan, and rescue the oppressed... whether in far-off places or right in your own community

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  • We started tracking this book on October 23, 2012.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 288 Pages
  • File Size: 937 KB

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