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"Austen + Chocolate = Love"

Mormon girl Susannah is ready to take a big risk. Suddenly unemployed and unmarried, Susannah puts everything on the line to open up downtown Salt Lake City's first all-chocolate café, The Chocolate Bar. It all starts out sweetly. Susannah even catches the interest of the city's most eligible bachelor, a charismatic attorney.

But when Susannah's first love, John Wentworth, returns to town, her heart goes sideways. He's rich. He's handsome. And he intends to marry anyone but Susannah.

Chocolate and Conversationis a light and frothy, chocolate-filled romp. A modern adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion, it's filled with to-die-for chocolate recipes, hilarious situations, and swoony kisses. This delicious romance throws a wholesome girl into an impossible love triangle between her longing for her former Mr. Right and her Mr. Maybe-Right-for-Now.

Escape into love with a cup of hot chocolate.

Read all of USA Today bestselling clean romance author Jennifer Griffith's Sweet Standalones series: wacky, fun, cotton candy for your reading soul, full of delicious kisses.

Top 10 Kindle for Religion and Spirituality - Latter-day Saints

"Another great CLEAN LDS romance!! I like 'easy reads' in between the more in-depth ones. This is great for that! Just sit back and enjoy the story without thinking too much!" --Laurie, Goodreads

"Personality!! That's the word that came to mind as I read this modern day adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion! As I finished the book and closed the cover at 2:00 am, I gave a satisfied sigh! That was good! Every chapter ends with some sort of chocolate recipe. I think I gained 5 lbs. just reading the book! :) Can't wait to try the recipes! I also loved how the author tied in the recipes to her story. Very clever. 4.5 stars." - Andrea Smith, Goodreads

"Loved it. Easy reading. Perfect book to read when your brain is on overload and you just need light entertainment mixed with a passion of reading fun fiction. I enjoyed reading about the Mormons, even though I'm not a Mormon. :-)" - Lisa Myers, Goodreads

"I stayed up most of the night to read it." - Nikki Wilson, Author

"LDS fiction that is realistic, engaging, and enjoyable. No abusive husbands, no pornography or drug addicts, no terminal illness! Hooray! Also has some great recipes for all-things chocolate!" - Willinda, Goodreads

"[C]ute book. It has an underlying message (not a requisite for chick-lit) about seasons and choices, and would make a nice little, blood-pressure-lowering escape from daily cares. Tuck it in your purse to read while you're waiting at the dentist's or at piano lessons, or those odd little pockets of time. You're guaranteed a happy ending." - Liz Adair, author

(Previously published by Spring Creek Book Company as Delicious Conversation)

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: September 9, 2013
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 283 Pages
  • File Size: 1,979 KB

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