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"This product is great for kids and is amazing entertainment for long car rides! Kids love it and the fact that it's interactive and can be played with a group makes it so much more than just a joke book! I would highly recommend this product to all families!"

"A must-have for elementary kids. They love riddles! A book of "clean" riddles and jokes that can be used by anyone!"

"Instead of just saying a random joke, this book makes joke telling structured and more fun. There is the game aspect that incentivizes people to think of an answer. The best part for those like myself who aren't good at figuring out jokes is how the questioner can guide the answerer to the key word that makes the joke. That teaches kids (and adults) to think creatively about different ways a word or phrase could be used."

This unique book combines the two things that kids love the most - jokes and games!

Structured as a game for two (but can be played with any number), players are asked 5 corny kids jokes per round and try to guess the correct answers. Points are awarded for guessing the correct answers, before and after a hint is provided!

This book includes twenty rounds of game play, totaling 200 jokes and riddles. All jokes are 100% clean and appropriate for people of all ages!

Game play works as follows:

Someone will read the first joke of the round to Player 1. If Player 1 correctly answers the joke, he or she is awarded 2 points and then moves on to the next joke.

If Player 1 does not know or incorrectly answers the joke, the reader will then read the answer to the joke; however, the reader will say the word "BLANK" in place of the underlined word highlighted in BLUE. Player 1 can then use the context clues in the answer to try to guess the missing word. If Player 1 correctly guesses the missing word, he or she is awarded 1 point and then moves on to the next joke.

If Player 1 still cannot correctly answer the joke, he or she is not awarded any points for that joke and then moves on to the next joke.

After Player 1 has gone through their five questions, Player 2 will be read their five questions for the round. Whichever player has more points at the end of the round is the champion!

As an example of game play:

Reader: "What do you get from a pampered cow?"
Player 1: "Spoiled milk!"

- OR -

Reader: "What do you get from a pampered cow?"
Player 1: "I don't know".
Reader: "BLANK milk."
Player 1: "Spoiled milk!"

- OR -

Reader: "What do you get from a pampered cow?"
Player 1: "I don't know" (or incorrect answer)
Reader: "BLANK milk."
Player 1: "I still don't know" (or incorrect answer)

In addition to being FUN, this interactive game is also educational for kids, as they must try to use the context clues in the hint to guess the missing word of the answer.

I hope you all enjoy playing this game of jokes as much as I did making it!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: January 12, 2014
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 50 Pages
  • File Size: 2,604 KB

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