



Awell-executed social media campaign can result in favorable branding, instant PR,
and higher organic search engine results. Some companies are using social media to replace large numbers of customer service reps, while others have used it to make some of the highest-ROI ad campaigns in history -- based on content and conversation versus broadcasting cute sales pitches.

The basic concept behind social media optimization is simple: implement changes to
make a site/brand and its content more connected to online communities. By spreading around your great content and knowledge through articles, photos, videos, and free downloads, you show off your industry expertise. You then get linked to, which helps your SEO efforts, and you receive visits from people interested in what you have to say or share. Your social profiles then show up in searches on search engines and are more frequently included in relevant posts on blogs.

Social media marketing, especially as it ties in so perfectly with SEO, is one of the lowest-cost ways to create targeted traffic, exceptional relationships, more credibility, engagement, and links. That makes it hard to justify not getting involved in social media and putting some of your marketing budget into this new area. Given a lower cost per lead, big dollars are tumbling down from traditional ad spends and are headed this way.

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