



A Cupcakes-And-Crime Caper

When cupcake-loving croupier and private investigator Tiffany Black witnesses a handsome, green-eyed man making a getaway after an art heist, she finds her normally chaotic life becoming even more complicated.

Tiffany flits between two cases: investigating the missing Van Gogh, and the murder of a Hollywood starlet with a secret life.

When her investigation takes an intriguing turn and a man with mesmerizing green eyes comes into her life, Tiffany starts to wonder if this man might be the missing link between both crimes... and when her octogenarian friend Glenn starts dating a very inappropriate woman, and Nanna starts calling a twenty-something-year-old her "boyfriend", Tiffany wonders if being attracted to a potential criminal might not be so crazy after all.

As she follows the investigation from movie sets to museums, danger strikes a little too close to home when Tiffany discovers that not only was the dead girl being stalked, someone with a deadly motive appears to be watching her too...
Green Eyes in Las Vegas is the second book in The Tiffany Black in Las Vegas Mystery Series. Though it can be read as a standalone, it's best read in series order.

This is a humorous cozy mystery featuring a strong female protagonist, some unusual friends and family, and a mystery that needs solving! It has no graphic gore, bad language, or love scenes.

Praise for A.R. Winters:

"Fans of Stephanie Plum, meet Tiffany Black, A.R. Winters's new heroine." - Rea,

You fall in love with Tiffany Black from the start, and the mystery starts immediately" - Melissa Greenberg, Top 1000 Reviewer

The perfect balance of being lighthearted, but still a serious page-turning mystery." - Jaycie D,

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 248 Pages
  • File Size: 2,033 KB

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