



How to Write an RFP and Manage an RFP Project will help you write a Request for Proposal, more commonly known as an RFP. Readers that will get the most from this book are those responsible for purchasing products or services through the competitive bidding process or who plan to work in that field.

This book will not help you write the proposal in response to the RFP. If that's what you need, scroll down to in this description box and learn about the RFP Survival Kit Series.

Use this book as a prompt to help you generate the right questions to ask during the course of your RFP project. Your organization may have its own pre-determined standards for writing and issuing RFPs. That's fine. You should comply with and conform to their rules. You can still use this book to help you gain a better understanding of the general processes of RFP writing, production, and project management. DISCLAIMER Or, What This Book Will NOT Help You Do This book will not help you respond to an RFP.

If you need help writing a proposal (bid) scroll down to BOOKS FOR BIDDERS.

The RFP response often called the bid or the proposal is the other side of the coin and is not covered in this book. Think of it as playing for two opposing football teams. Your company is the home team and the vendors responding to your RFP are the visitors. Remember, an RFP is a request for a proposal, not the proposal itself. If you don't understand the difference, you need these books.BOOKS FOR BIDDERS
If you are the bidder, the one competing for government contracts, check out these E.B. Diamond books

Book #1 in the series: Playing To Win the RFP Game teaches you insider secrets and game-changing power house strategic moves to bid like a pro and win government contracts.

Book #2 in the series: Playing To Win the RFP Game - Workbook is the companion to the chapter book providing support for your RFP Project. This workbook is available in Kindle format, but you will get the biggest return from the paper format.

Book #3 in the series: 50 Pro Tips: How to Play the RFP Game and Win More Competitive Bids is a quick read when you need some fast ideas but are short on time.


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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 82 Pages
  • File Size: 218 KB

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