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The Sword Decides

by (Lume Books)

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At the height of its glory, Naples was one of the greatest kingdoms in Europe - but also one of the most deadly.

With the death of the old King, Giovanna of Naples becomes Queen -- but Queen to Andreas of Hungary's king.

Giovanna, blinded by ambition and determined to hold the throne of Naples as queen in her own right, will stop at nothing to keep her crown.

She puts into motion a plot to rid herself of her husband and deliver her sister Maria into the hands of her most favoured confidante, Raymond de Cabane, as a reward for his help.

But when Maria writes to her betrothed, Ludovic of Hungary, to inform him of his brother's death, Giovanna finds herself caught in a tangled web of lies and political pressures that leads to armies clashing in the streets of Naples.

Only one can emerge victorious -- let the sword decide!

'The Sword Decides' is a thrilling historical romance filled with twists and political intrigue to entertain every reader.

Born in 1885, Marjorie Bowen (pseudonym of Margaret Gabrielle Vere Campbell Long) was one of Britain's most prolific authors of the twentieth century. Writing was more than just a hobby: her works were the primary source of financial support for her family. Between 1906 and her death in 1952, Bowen wrote over 150 books, garnering much acclaim for her popular histories and historical and gothic romances. Alongside masterful descriptions and concise, efficient prose, she deftly rendered larger-than-life subjects in the minds of her readers. To this day, aficionados of the genres covet Bowen's work.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 31, 2015
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 285 Pages
  • File Size: 681 KB

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