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From the New York Times best-selling author of Love & Respect comes the definitive book for mothers and sons. Love is important, but it is respect that is the key to your son's heart.

Dads and their boys are often best buddies. But what's the key to a successful and healthy mother-son bond? Informed by relevant scripture and up-to-date psychological research, Emerson Eggerichs, Ph.D., explores this foundational relationship to show how loving and respecting your little boy can help him grow into a mature, responsible, and godly man.

The idea of moms respecting their sons may sound strange to some. It's easy to recognize that little girls need dad's love, but who is strongly promoting the truth that little boys (and big ones) need mom's respect?

In Mothers & Sons: The Respect Effect, readers will discover:

• Why respect matters in a mother-son relationship

• A method based on the testimonies of thousands of mothers

• Specific responses that can be given instead of how you would "normally" respond

• Practical applications, especially for parenting teen boys

Just as Emerson Eggerichs transformed millions of marital relationships with a biblical understanding of love and respect, you can apply these same principles to transform your relationship with your son.

Mother & Son is also available in Spanish, Madre e hijo.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 291 Pages
  • File Size: 1,206 KB

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