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In a war-torn realm occupied by a race of immortal warlords called the Fylking, trouble can reach cosmic proportions. Using the realm as a backwater outpost from which to fight an ancient war, the Fylking taught human seers to build and ward over an interdimensional portal called the Gate. The Fylking's enemies, warlocks who think nothing of annihilating a world to gain even a small advantage, are bent on destroying it.

After two centuries of peace, the realm is at war. Seers are disappearing and their immortal guardians are blind, deceived by their own kind. A Gate warden with a tormented past discovers a warlock using Fylking magic to gather an army of warriors that cannot die. A King's ranger who defends the wilds of the realm is snared in a political trap that puts him on the wrong side of the Fylking's enemies. And a knitter discovers an inborn power revered by the gods themselves.

Forced to find allies in unlikely places, these three mortals are caught in a maelstrom of murder, treachery, sorcery and war, fertile ground for both their personal demons and those of their immortal masters, who cast long shadows indeed. When they uncover the source of the rising darkness, they must rally to protect the Gate against a plot that will violate the balance of cosmos, destroy the Fylking and leave the world in ruins.

The god they serve is as fickle as a crow -- and known to demand a devastatingly high price for an answered prayer.

Includes a map and a glossary.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 446 Pages
  • File Size: 5,565 KB

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