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The Three Battles of Wanat: And Other True Stories


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From the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Black Hawk Down: "a first-rate collection" of long-form journalism on war, sports, politics, and more (Booklist).

Mark Bowden has established himself as one of America's leading journalists and nonfiction writers. The Three Battles of Wanat collects the best of his long-form articles, including pieces from the Atlantic, Vanity Fair, the New Yorker, and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The titular article delves into one of the bloodiest days of the War in Afghanistan and the years-long fallout it generated within the United States military. In "The Killing Machines," Bowden examines the strategic, legal, and moral issues surrounding armed drones. And in a brilliant piece on Kim Jong-un called "The Bright Sun of Juche," he recalibrates our understanding of the world's youngest and most baffling dictator.

Also included are profiles of newspaper scion Arthur Sulzberger; renowned defense attorney and anti-death-penalty activist Judy Clarke; professional gambler Don Johnson, who won six million dollars in a single night playing blackjack; and David Simon, the creator of the legendary HBO series The Wire.

"Mark Bowden marshals his finest for The Three Battles of Wanat." -- Vanity Fair

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 508 Pages
  • File Size: 4,869 KB

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