



Bestselling author Rysa Walker (Timebound) takes readers on a time-hopping adventure in this stand-alone series set in her CHRONOS Files world. Written by fan favorite Heather Nuhfer (My Little Pony) and featuring pulse-pounding art from Agustin Padilla (Smallville).

Nineteen-year-old Clio Dunne has lived a life of secrecy. Her world-saving, time-traveling parents have kept a low profile in a boring, small town... but Clio yearns for her own adventure. In the fall of 1931, Clio packs her bags and heads to the big, modern city of Chicago. While following her dreams of becoming a famous illustrator, Clio's own nascent skills as a time traveler are put to the test. A nasty acquaintance from her parents' past stumbles upon Clio in an unexpected place -- the trial of Al Capone. Now Clio must jump through time to keep the past, present, and future safe.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 32 Pages
  • File Size: 86,280 KB

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