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Dinner: Changing the Game: A Cookbook

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200+ inventive yet straightforward recipes that will make anyone a better and more confident cook, from a James Beard Award-winning chef

"Everything I want for my dinner -- dishes which are familiar but fresh, approachable but exciting." -- Yotam Ottolenghi

Dinner has the range and authority -- and Melissa Clark's trademark warmth -- of an instant classic. With more than 200 all-new recipes, Dinner is about options: inherently simple recipes that you can make any night of the week.

Each recipe in this book is meant to be dinner -- one fantastic dish that is so satisfying and flavor-forward it can stand alone -- maybe with a little salad or some bread on the side. This is what Melissa Clark means by changing the game. Organized by main ingredient -- chicken, meat, fish and seafood, eggs, pasta and noodles, tofu, vegetable dinners, grains, pizza, soups, and salads that mean it -- Dinner covers an astonishing breadth of ideas about just what dinner can be. There is something for every mood, season, and the amount of time you have: sheet pan chicken laced with spicy harissa, burgers amped with chorizo, curried lentils with poached eggs, to name just a few dishes in this indispensable collection. Here, too, are easy flourishes that make dinner exceptional: stir charred lemon into pasta, toss creamy Caesar-like dressing on a grain bowl.

Melissa Clark's mission is to help anyone, whether a novice or an experienced home cook, figure out what to have for dinner without ever settling on fallbacks.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 400 Pages
  • File Size: 230,138 KB

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