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Mercedes now found out that she has HIV. Yet she still haven't informed her sex partners, especially Tony about her news. Her life has totally sprawled out of control. She don't know if she's coming or going. Pregnant, her emotions has gotten the best of her. Not being able to take being the other woman, she stirred up trouble in Tony's home. Will Tony's wife Faith continue to stick by his side now that some of his dirty secrets are out or has she finally had enough? Mercedes was forced to leave home, now she's out in a dirty world on her own. Will she be able to survive or will these streets eat her alive? Life became more than a struggle for her, her friendships are all put to a test, she has no love or relationship with her mother, 15 years old pregnant to somebody's husband and have HIV. Will Mercedes be able to turn her tragic tests into a testimony? Find out in this eye opening, drama filled tale.
From Mercedes-
"So like the old saying goes, they say when it rains it pours and when it pours you get drenched and sometimes it may just pour so much that you drown or even lose site due to all of the rain blindsiding you and if you catch my drift I totally felt like so. I felt like I was drowning and I lost all site to everything that was happening in the world. I had to question did reality really hit or was I still blinded to the fact that my life may not no longer be like the typical 15 year old life. The poor choices and the poor decisions I made and the love I chased was going to cost me severely. Seriously all I wanted was to be wanted and most importantly to feel wanted and wanting to be wanting was the biggest mistake that I could have ever made in life... For those who don't know, I'm Mercedes and this is my story. If you missed anything, let me fill you in and give you insight of my life or should I say when things started to hit home really hard!"

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  • We started tracking this book on May 27, 2017.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 154 Pages
  • File Size: 583 KB

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