





It's time for the town of Milburn's annual gala and Nora is honored to have been asked to cater the event. But, while she certainly expected an exciting time, the last thing she anticipated was for the evening to end in murder! Ironically, it's the local psychic, Rosemary Worth, who's been killed... despite not having seen any sign of the impending danger.

Shockingly, the killer appears to be Nora's sweet, old landlady, Mrs. Mullally! And, after being found at the scene of the crime with blood on her hands, it seems to be an open & shut case against her. But, despite the mounting evidence against her, Nora is convinced she's innocent and will do everything in her power to find the real culprit before he or she strikes again...

Can Mrs. Mullally actually be the murderer? If so, why would she want to kill the psychic? If it wasn't her, who was it? And is anyone else in danger?

Find out in Death Of A Psychic, the 8th installment of Nancy McGovern's bestselling series, "A Murder In Milburn"!

Don't forget to check out the rest of Nancy McGovern's books & series on her Amazon Author Page (AuthorNancyMcG)! And be sure to visit her website where you can join her mailing list to receive a FREE PREQUEL to the "Murder In Milburn" series! The links are inside any of her books!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 72 Pages
  • File Size: 2,577 KB

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