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Writing Mr. Right: An Opposites Attract Romance (Boyfriend Chronicles series)

by (Carpe Per Diem, Inc. / Tracy Kellam)

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A romance author with a serious case of writer's block.
A plan to find a muse, write the book, then walk away.
But plans are made to be broken.

My name is Molly Brinks, but most people know me as Vivienne Foxx, bestselling author of chance meetings, stolen glances, and the much-needed happily ever after. At the age of twenty-nine-plus-one, I am at the top of my game... professionally.

My personal life is a completely different story, one best left untold. Success has its sacrifices and I've been more than happy to put my search for Prince Charming on the back burner while I create fictitious tales of the naïve virgin, the broken girl with a torrid past, and the strong-willed student finding their own Mr. Right...
Until one hell of a case of writer's block and a tight deadline set by my publisher forces me to go in search of inspiration.

Armed with an account on every dating website out there, I devise a plan. Meet some nice, professional men. Go on a few dates. Hope one of them has the spark I need to finish my book. Then walk away.

But plans are made to be broken. And inspiration can be found in the most unlikely of places.

My name is Molly Brinks, and this is my story about Writing Mr. Right.

Writing Mr. Right is a standalone humorous and heartfelt story about one woman's search to find Mr. Right in a world full of Mr. Wrongs. Pick up your copy of this opposites attract, forbidden romance today!

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: June 22, 2017
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 410 Pages
  • File Size: 2,055 KB

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