



Matilda Wilde is forty years old and according to her brother, will die as a spinster because she's rejected every suitor who has ever come her way. What he doesn't know is that she carries a fifteen year old secret. She's brought up her brother's seven daughters who are now of marriageable age and she wonders what will happen to her once they all leave home.

Jeremiah Sherman is free at last, after his domineering mother dies. He lost his wife fifteen years ago and now he feels like it's time she returns home. The problem is, he has no idea where she is.

Enter Molly White, the amateur detective and owner of a bridal agency. This time the task at hand is finding out Matilda's secrets from the past as well as seven husbands for seven daughters of a man out West. Is she up to the task, and can she reunite the long separated couple?

The seven sisters of Oakwood follows the unfurling story of the Wilde sisters, and their hopeful father, Osborne. Burdened with the task of getting these beloved, bright but stubborn young girls married to suitable husbands, Osborne enlists the help of Molly White of the Cozy Bridal Agency to aid his cause - with surprising consequences! Each book is a delightful standalone story, and also part of the full story that spans this joy filled series.

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