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Have you been trying to lose that stubborn fat around the waist to no avail?

It is (indeed) the first and last place we tend lose weight, unfortunately. Therefore, we must take a different approach to losing waistline pounds. We need to realize it's a sign that we haven't quite lost enough body weight overall for the waist to have a chance to disappear.

Hi, my name is Emma Green and I'm the author of "How I lost 100 Pounds!" And over the last two years I've gone through a dramatic change, and completely changed my life. I did this with purpose-driven nutrition and lifestyle changes that have not only shed the weight away, but also led me to enjoy my life once again, and in a way that I never thought possible.

I'm here to share with you some of my secrets about how I lost over 100 pounds, and eventually, that tricky waistline!

In this book we will go over:

• Exercise and why you struggle, and how that by doing less you are actually doing more, and how the mainstream will have you believing the total opposite, which is BS.

• An amazing method of losing weight and keeping it off for good, with one amazing lifestyle change which is super-simple to do.

• Foods and drinks to be avoided that you would have never realized are hindering your success and progress.

• A secret Chinese herb that has been used for thousands of years; reported to be the big reason for Chinese tight, slim, and trim bodies.

• And much, much more!

Grab your copy now, and then you can say goodbye to that belly once and for all! I did, and I feel absolutely amazing!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 68 Pages
  • File Size: 4,593 KB

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