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Of Zots and Xoodles: Theodil Creates a Universe

by , (Zarqnon the Embarrassed)

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What was before the universe? What are the pragmatic and philosophic questions that are raised by the creation of such an ambitious anomaly?

Theodil stands before a committee with nothing but zero parameter "Zots". By skewing, aggregating, and agitation, parameters are developed including time, light, and gravity. All the while, the congregation grows increasingly very angry, double guessing, criticizing, and debating Theodil's every step.

This is an exploratory thought experiment into various dynamics that may have taken part in the rendering of the universe. The book dives into the philosophical necessity for multiple time frames, empirical and dark materials, constants in gravity and light, and proposes a dual big bang for the origin of the universe: one to start the process, and the second to slow down the interaction so experience and matter can materialize.

"Of Zots and Xoodles" attempts to take these and other complex hypothetical factors and move them into a simplified abstract domain where the concepts can be explored in an amusing and deductive framework.

Review: What started it all? This book is a light-hearted but very scientific look at how certain elements of the universe we know could have gotten started. The author's note is nearly as entertaining as the book itself, as well as being relevant to the story. This book will have you reading and re-reading, while pondering all the piles of information given to understand its content. Much of the story is questions/answers of the skeptical scientific mind which helps break up the science data with explanations. The ending of the story is superb.

The book has a great cover and wonderful artwork throughout. The writing is articulate and thoughtful. I can't say enough about how much I loved the wonderful prose. Each sentence seems to be so carefully crafted to pull you in, entertain you, inspire you, educate you. I especially loved the witty and clever spellings; this really reminded me of Phantom Tollbooth. The author crafts new sayings with cleverly changed spellings to inject new meanings into old sayings. It's brilliant and makes it so enjoyable to read.

The illustrator's artwork is beautiful and thought-provoking, it really opens your mind while you consider all of the scientific possibilities of the author's information. I found his story at the beginning of the book very inspiring.

The science itself reminded me of reading a Stephen Hawking book. It sometimes went over my head but I would love to read this book with a few science friends and ponder all of the ideas presented. That's the kind of book this is - one the skeptical mind will enjoy reading over and over and then discussing.

I especially appreciate the author's question about preconceived notions, "why is it expected to be done that way?" He provides many questions and insightful answers into many things not asked before which makes this book different from most I've read. This type of book is very sought after in the skeptic community. I hope this author writes a lot more books, including an autobiography. I would love to hear more life ponderings like this.

I recommend this to science lovers and skeptic minds. It was a quick read of around a half an hour so I know I'll be reading it a lot more times.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: May 19, 2018
  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 48 Pages
  • File Size: 10,452 KB

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