



Big companies and governments sometimes face problems that are too hot to handle. When that happens, it is sensible to call upon the services of others. The Hansens are part of a dedicated team of experts who fill that important role and keep quiet about what they are doing. Its members are called free operators. Some have special skills such as deep-sea diving, some speak foreign languages, some are computer hackers, others are weapons experts. Whatever the problem, the free operators can tackle it... even if the outcome is not always predictable.

Erica wondered how she got into such a mess. An assignment to track down Buddhist treasures had turned into a nightmare. The rock face towered above her. Bullets smashed against it. Someone was trying to kill her.
If something seems too good to be true then it probably isn't. She should have remembered that when she agreed to take up an exciting job offer. Her talents were needed to track down a gang of thieves who were stealing ancient Buddhist treasures.
Her knowledge of the Tibetan language would be put to use and she would be returning to a part of the world that fascinated her. The pay was fantastic and she might even get in a bit of rock climbing.
It looked so straightforward at first. She met some amazing people and got to like them. Then she realised she was being drawn into a web of intrigue that threatened everyone around her. All her skills were needed to stay alive and protect her new friends.

Planes don't just vanish. Petra de Villiers told herself that. Spy satellites follow the movements of everything on Planet Earth. America and the other big powers know what's going on. They must have seen what happened to her father's plane. If they didn't then they weren't as clever as they made out.
The Boeing-717 left Paris for Toronto and failed to arrive. It was carrying delegates to a conference on globalisation. Petra's father arranged the conference. He had damning evidence that global power was falling into the hands of a small number of ruthless individuals seeking world domination. He called them The Cabal
Petra had no doubt The Cabal existed. Once, it had seemed distant, like the things she learnt about at university. Now, it had taken on a frightening reality. Her father's plane was almost certainly sabotaged. As heir to the de Villiers fortune she was at great risk.

Gladiators fought to the death in ancient Rome. The Holy Inquisition burned heretics at the stake and vast crowds turned out to watch. That sort of entertainment is banned today but don't think it doesn't still go on.
Monique Grimaud thought she would be selling magic crystals on a market stall. The job was amazingly well paid and would be fun while she waited to return to her regular job as a forensic scientist. Her colleagues were undercover agents, investigating the mysterious disappearance of young women at medieval pageants.
This year's pageants were themed on Joan of Arc and based in France. Joan was burnt at the stake. That was worrying because there was a growing suspicion that the pageants had been infiltrated by psychopaths who liked to live out their fantasies by re-enacting horrific scenes from the past with agonising attention to detail.
Monique had no experience in undercover work and didn't expect to get involved. But, it was difficult to stand aside and do nothing when frightening evidence became impossible to ignore.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 768 Pages
  • File Size: 2,185 KB

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