




Nora loves to read! Curling up with a good book on a cold, snowy day is one of her favorite pastimes. So, when the old bookstore in Milburn reopens under new management, she is super excited!

But it's difficult for a business to attract customers when a dead body is found on the premises! Even worse, the store owner is suspected of committing the murder!

So, not wanting anyone to be unjustly convicted of a crime, Nora puts the fiction aside and jumps into yet another real-life mystery! However, she soon finds that this one stretches over many years & multiple continents and has a seemingly-endless number of threads to follow, from old lovers & new admirers to a blackmailer & a stalker! Soon enough, Nora is up to her neck in a revengeful plot that has her own life in danger once again!

Check out Reading With The Dead, the 4th book in Nancy McGovern's newest series, "Return To Milburn"! This is the 2nd of Nancy's series to feature super-sleuth & super-chef, Nora Newberry, and takes place in the fictional town of Milburn, Wyoming. The first related series, "A Murder In Milburn", included 12 books and was set 25 years earlier than this "Return To Milburn" series. If you want more Nora Newberry and more cozy mystery fun, you can get the entire first series in one big box set that contains ALL 12 books & ALL 12 recipes at a HUGE discount right her on Amazon!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 149 Pages
  • File Size: 1,807 KB

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