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A. Scott Fenney Collection


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A. Scott Fenney Collection: Accused and The Absence of Guilt. And a bonus for the kids: Parts & Labor: The Adventures of Max Dugan.


"Scott - it's Rebecca. I need you."

His wife left him for a younger man. He blames himself. He could not give her what she had needed, so another man had. Now, two years later, she needs what only he can give her: a defense to a murder charge.

In this sequel to The Color of Law, A. Scott Fenney must defend his ex-wife, Rebecca, who is accused of murdering the man she left him for. Trey Rawlins, a rising star on the pro golf tour, is found dead in his $4 million Galveston beach house with a butcher knife in his chest -- and Rebecca's fingerprints are found on the murder weapon. The police refuse to investigate other suspects, so Scott must. The case takes Scott to Galveston, and the investigation takes him behind the scenes of the image-conscious, corporate-sponsored pro golf tour -- into a world of million-dollar purses and endorsement deals, agents and caddies, groupies and WAGs. Scott digs deep into Trey Rawlins and discovers a lifestyle that cost him his life -- and that now threatens Scott's.


An ISIS attack on America is narrowly averted when the FBI uncovers a plot to detonate a weapon of mass destruction in Cowboys Stadium during the Super Bowl. A federal grand jury indicts twenty-four co-conspirators, including the most dangerous man in Dallas, Omar al Mustafa. He is a notorious and charismatic Muslim cleric known for his incendiary anti-American diatribes on YouTube and Fox News. His mosque is a veritable breeding ground for Islamic jihadists. His arrest is greeted with cheers around the world and relief at home. The plot was thwarted, the terrorists are in jail, and the Super Bowl is safe. The president goes on national television and proclaims: "We won!"

There is only one problem: there is no evidence against Mustafa. That problem falls to the presiding judge, newly appointed U.S. District Judge A. Scott Fenney. If Mustafa is innocent, Scott must set the most dangerous man in Dallas free. But does the absence of guilt mean Mustafa is innocent? And if he is innocent, who is guilty?

The Super Bowl is just three weeks away. And the game clock is ticking.


Max Dugan, 10, is a fourth-grader battling bullies at school and his emotions at home; his father deployed to Afghanistan and did not return. His mother, Kate, a labor-and-delivery nurse, struggles to maintain the family, which also includes Scarlett, 14, and Maddy, 4. The therapist says they are not coping well. In fact, the Dugan family is a mess -- until a strange boy named Norbert moves in next door and changes their lives in more ways than they could ever imagine.

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  • We started tracking this book on January 17, 2020.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,022 Pages
  • File Size: 2,708 KB

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