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Karma's Dilemma


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The novel tries to answer the question if you can find true love before you find yourself. It does this through the story of a young man, who travels the world in search of true love. He meets three women on this journey; each as different from the other as can be but something connects them. Each of them gives him a glimpse of this "something". He hungers for the rest of it, though he doesn't himself know what it is. His relentless pursuit of this "something" becomes so much of an obsession that he breaks too many rules on the way and ends up earning the wrath of karma, the immortal and relentless collector of soul-debt.
And to think that ironically the name of the young man in the story also happens to be Karma; his mother named him Karma, her good Karma. But little did she know how tangled up the threads of his subconscious were. Still, untangle them he must, but mucking about with the subconscious mind comes at a price, what with the immortal karma also after his soul.
There could be one woman who might just be able to redeem him. However, to win her, Karma needs to transit from being the young man in the story to the protagonist of the story. But he can't do that unless he figures out the story. So, either he fixes his story or becomes forgotten history...
Zen's bio:
Zen's approach to writing is to bring a fresh perspective. His debut novel, published in French, was seen to be refreshing. In addition to Karma's Dilemma, Zen has also recently penned "Race: A journey", a novel that challenges the path the world is on through an engaging adventure to save the world.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: June 5, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 225 Pages
  • File Size: 763 KB

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