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Hood Luvin' From a Detroit Goon


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Audrey, Chaos, Legend and his younger brothers August, Austin and Adrian run the west side of Detroit. Audrey at eighteen is only a year older than his brothers, but they respect and listen to him as if he's much older. Their father, Apollo Legend, takes pride in raising his sons to be close and trusting no one but each other. Especially considering the fact that they run a tight drug organization. Business has been booming, and money has been effortlessly flowing in. But unfortunately, the enemies the Legends have lurking in the shadows threatens to destroy it all. Audrey and his brothers had a lot on their plates. Love and relationships were the furthest things from their minds, so when they stumble upon four beautiful young women and feelings get involved, their thrown for a loop.

Junrnee White is a seventeen-year-old girl from the westside of Detroit. Her and her three best friends Brinx Young, Toni Sanchez and Coya Clark are beyond thrilled to start their senior year of high school. Having been friends since the sandbox days, their bond is unmatched. Jurnee has little interest in anything unless it's her writing, family or her best friends. So its shocking to her when Audrey finds his way into her heart. In fact, one by one each Legend will find his way into her friend's hearts as well.

These eight young people will go through situations that'll change their lives forever. Relationships will build and some will crumble just as fast as they were built. Question is will they be able to overcome obstacles not only involving the heart, but the mind as well?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 233 Pages
  • File Size: 4,671 KB

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