



Agreeing or not with the death penalty, death row killers committed some of the most atrocious crimes ever and are awaiting their execution on death row. Meet some more of the evilest and heinous death row killers today.

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Certain crimes are viewed by some societies as such a violation of morality that they must be dealt with in the most severe terms. Death is the recommended consequence for the worst offenders of the sacred social compact that holds us all together.

This book takes a look at some of the most infamous death row cases in recent history. From mafia hitman Frank Abbandando's reign of terror with Murder Inc. to the much more controversial case of Darlie Routier, who claims she was railroaded by an unfair justice system and charged with a crime she did not commit - this book examines a wide variety of high-profile death row cases.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 90 Pages
  • File Size: 2,995 KB

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