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"The History of Hinduism and Buddhism" in 3 volumes is a work by Charles Eliot whose aim is to give a sketch of Indian thought or Indian religion, for the two terms are nearly equivalent in the book, and of its history and influence in Asia. As the author pointed out, it is impossible to separate Hinduism from Buddhism, for without it Hinduism could not have assumed its medieval shape and some forms of Buddhism, such as Lamaism, countenance Brahmanic deities and ceremonies, while in Java and Cambodia the two religions were avowedly combined and declared to be the same. Neither is it convenient to separate the fortunes of Buddhism and Hinduism outside India from their history within it, for although the importance of Buddhism depends largely on its foreign conquests, the forms which it assumed in its new territories can be understood only by reference to the religious condition of India at the periods when successive missions were despatched. This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: December 17, 2020
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 1,634 Pages
  • File Size: 24 KB

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