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The Gift of Suffering


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Wars, crimes, pandemics, racial unrest, financial devastation, terror, and death... What in the world is going on in the world? Why is there so much suffering? And if there is a loving and benevolent God, why would He allow such evil to occur? Is God even in control, or is life just a random set of events, most of them pretty terrible, that we cannot control? More importantly, how are mere humans supposed to cope with all of the suffering that is taking place around us?In this revolutionary look at the struggle of life, Angee Costa shows readers the key to understanding, navigating, and surviving the worst that life has to offer. Her unique take on suffering will shift your perspective on the adversity in your life and the lives of those you love. You will never see your difficulties in the same way again. No matter what you are facing, you will possess a secret weapon that makes your suffering worth it all. You will possess the "Gift of Suffering."

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