



Speculative North is a Canadian magazine dedicated to the celebration, promotion, and enjoyment of speculative literature in its various forms. Our mission is to foster a community of diverse voices in speculative literature, to create an enduring virtual space for readers and writers, and to promote the growth and flourishing of the speculative literature community.

Issue #4 is our most geographically diverse so far, with authors from Australia, Canada, Greece, the United Kingdom, and different regions of the United States. There are also five authors who identify as writing from a marginalized perspective or identity.

This issue includes: Covert Art by Dimitri Sirenko: "The Following", oil on canvas; science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories by C.J. Carter-Stephenson, Atalanti Evripidou, T.A. Sola, Jennifer Shelby, Ife J. Ibitayo, Hugh J. O'Donnell, Carleton Chinner, and Deborah L. Davitt; speculative poetry by Bruce Boston and Todd Hanks; an interview with Dr. Michael Johnstone; and a craft article on the passive voice.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 14, 2021
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 148 Pages
  • File Size: 4,845 KB

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