



Somebody out there wants to hurt them...

When Ben and Deborah leave the city to start a new life in the beautiful countryside, they can almost taste their perfect future - growing their own food, the kids running free, peace and silence.

But as soon as they arrive in their new home bad things start to happen. And it becomes clear that somebody out there wants them gone.

But ex-crime reporter Deborah doesn't scare easily. This is the life she's dreamed of for her family and she's not giving up on it without a fight.

As the campaign against the family intensifies and becomes truly terrifying, Deborah is determined to unmask whoever is trying to hurt them and starts to dig for the truth.

What she finds is more twisted and horrifying than she could ever have imagined.

Somebody Out There - the stunning psychological thriller perfect for fans of K.L Slater, Miranda Rijks, Teresa Driscoll.

What readers are saying about Somebody Out There:

"Impossible to put down! The pressure is relentless and so skillfully written that the reader lives every terrifying moment... "-Netgalley

"A cleverly written and gripping thriller! Definitely a page-turner." -Goodreads

"This is a brilliant read. Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start." -Netgalley
"... a cracking good read, a fast-paced mystery with a great twist at the end and plenty of red herrings... Great book, great plot and satisfying outcome." -Bookchatter

"Fast paced thriller with amazing characters. I really enjoyed reading this book by Lynch. Amazing writing, with twist and turns you never see coming!" -Netgalley

"The author certainly knows how to grab your attention from the start and draw you into what proves to be a compelling read with many twists and turns along the way." -Ginger Book Geek

"This was a really quick read but I made the mistake of reading the majority of it at night... on my own. Needless to say it scared the crap out of me. This book is so messed up and twisted!" -Netgalley

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  • We started tracking this book on April 16, 2021.
  • This book was $0.99 when we started tracking it.
  • The price of this book has changed one time in the past 1,327 days.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 290 Pages
  • File Size: 1,638 KB

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