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Book 1 of a 6-book serial
Blue Moon Beach, a small town on the Northern California coast, offers sun, sand, sea -- and romance at The Heart House Inn.

The Heart House is a local legend in Blue Moon Beach, and as unique as the Spencer women who have called it home for generations. A bad fall convinces widow Ruby Montgomery the time has come to pass the Heart House down to the child of her heart, her niece, Audra Emory.

Fresh from the breakup of her twenty-plus-year marriage, and with her daughter studying in Australia, Audra needs the Heart House as much as it needs her. With the help of business partners Natalie Lake and Tessa MacDonald, she sets out to restore the venerable old house to its former glory and open The Heart House Inn to guests.

Blue Moon Beach offers more than a business opportunity for the three longtime friends. As a military wife, Tessa learned to make any house a home. What the widow wants now is place to permanently call her own -- and someone to mend her heart. Former journalist and globe-trotting travel writer Natalie has always been too busy for a serious romance, but unpacking her bags for good might just change that. As for Audra, though she doesn't know it, the boy she grew up with has been waiting for his chance with her.

And if Audra, Tessa and Natalie need a little push to find the love their hearts deserve? Well, Aunt Ruby has a few plans of her own.

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 73 Pages
  • File Size: 2,705 KB

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