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The follow up to Agnes and the Hitman. No one warned Shane or Agnes that it was going to be a red wedding. It's eight months after the first, bloody, wedding at Two Rivers and things have calmed down and seven weddings have been hosted without a problem. But no longer.

Bring on an eclectic hitwoman, an amiable Duke, an icy Duchess, a lot of sharp swords, a crazed ex-Duchess, a computer hacker and a dog named Rhett, and you've got a recipe for an action-packed, hilarious novel about the perils and promises of commitment.

Shane has no idea as he's hidden on a snowy hillside with his sniper rifle on a job for the Organization, how the mission connects to a pending wedding. The operation goes to hell and he's rescued by his back-up; a younger, diminutive operative named Phoebe, who is armed with a short, but very sharp sword and an even sharper tongue.

A 'small, intimate wedding' is what was promised. But too late he learns that it involves the fate of a small, but powerful European kingdom. At stake? Not just Shane's life and Two Rivers, but his future with Agnes and the Organization. For Phoebe, an up-and-comer in the Organization, it's her chance to show what's she capable of. But standing in the way is the crazed ex-wife of the Duke, a mountain of a man armed with a very big sword, and a traitor within the ranks of the Organization itself.

Who will be left standing and what will their future look like?

Followed by Phoebe and the Traitor.
And Bob and Jennifer Crusie have a finished trilogy that is now available:
Lavender's Blue Rest in Pink One in Vermillion
And another new series beginning with Rocky Start

"Agnes and the Hitman is fabulous fun." -- Booklist (Starred review)
"A comic caper and raucous romance... laugh-out-loud funny... a fun ride." -- Kirkus Reviews
"Wickedly funny." -- Cincinnati Enquirer
"A bubbly novel with amusing banter and... moments of poignancy." -- Publishers Weekly

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  • We started tracking this book on November 17, 2021.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 322 Pages
  • File Size: 2,155 KB

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