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Dylan's Dilemma (Dylan's Dog Squad Book 1)

by (Dylan and Friends Publishing Company)

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A spirited pup. A ticking clock. Menacing dognappers. And a test of true loyalty.

In the charming backdrop of Southern California, a single mother and her son welcome Dylan, a spunky Cocker Spaniel with a heart of gold, into their sunlit home. As they grow fond of his infectious energy and unwavering loyalty, they soon realize life with Dylan is anything but ordinary.

Dylan's playful antics and endearing quirks bring joy to all, especially the young patients at a nearby children's hospital. Yet, his popularity attracts not only admirers but also troublemakers, including dognappers and a menacing dog with a reckless owner. As mysteries deepen and challenges escalate, young Casey and Dylan rely on their wit and pluck to navigate unexpected dangers, putting their bond to the ultimate test.

As the clock ticks away, Dylan and Casey find themselves caught up in a whirlwind of events, with more twists and turns than a puppy chasing its tail.

Will Dylan's tail-wagging determination sniff out the clues to a pawsitively delightful ending, or will their dreams go astray when Dylan is taken away forever?

Dylan's Dilemma is the delightful first book in the Dylan's Dog Squad cozy amateur detective series. If you like dogged sleuths, community intrigues, and talking animals, then you'll love Kathleen Troy's heartwarming mysteries.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 1, 2022
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 256 Pages
  • File Size: 716 KB

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