



With a ruthless enemy in pursuit, only courage and powerful magic can save her.

As Queen Boudica's youngest daughter, Eithne has always lived in the shadow of her older, more confident sister. Cait has her mother's bold spirit and a thirst for power, while Eithne takes refuge among the household servants.

When the Romans seize their kingdom, a desperate Boudica gives her daughters the magical gifts that aided her in battle and sacrifices herself so the girls can seek sanctuary with the druids. But when the new, mystical gifts have an alarming effect on Cait and the Romans track them down, Eithne must risk it all to fight for their freedom. Will she give in to her doubts and demons, or can she learn how to be the hero her people need?

GUARDIAN OF THE REALM takes readers back to the magical origin of the Fayte Legacy in the ancient Celtic world and the rise of the first Keeper of the Fayte. A new beginning in the thrilling dark fantasy adventure series by D.D. Croix.
RATING: PG (Clean)

MEMORY THIEF (The Queen's Fayte prequel story) - available now
DRAGONFLY MAID (The Queen's Fayte Book 1) - available now
SLIVERING CURSE (The Queen's Fayte Book 2) - available now
SHADOW RITE (The Queen's Fayte Book 3) - available now
GUARDIAN OF THE REALM (The Queen's Fayte Book4) - available now

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 126 Pages
  • File Size: 3,291 KB

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