



You are meant to achieve big things.

Goal setting is strategy: it maximizes our time. Goal achieving is execution: it maximizes our results. Both of them are SKILLS that Outperformers develop and this book gives you the roadmap to do it in a real, raw, straightforward way that you've never seen before.

Because any goal is realistic with an intelligent plan to accomplish it.

Included in the book:

• The reason DUMB Goals are superior to SMART Goals for results

• How 3 universal "pains" hold people back from taking action

• Set goals that motivate and empower with the O.P.P. Framework

• The 10 Principles that lead to excellence in execution

• Stay on track, even when you're unmotivated and unfocused

• Why

• Avoid the BIG goal setting mistake that sabotages your success

Daily Execution. Extraordinary Results. allows you to set goals and smash them. The tools and insights get you better results, faster and easier, for you, your team or your company. It will change the way you look at your performance potential.

Scroll up and get your copy now!

Excerpts from the book:

On defining moments:

"You have done multiple things in your life that -- connecting the dots looking backwards -- were unrealistic at the time.

You did it anyway. You never stopped to ask whether it was sensible or practical. You made it happen.

Telling someone to be realistic is telling them to be self-limiting. Nothing noteworthy or significant was ever achieved by playing smaller than your capabilities."

On struggle:

"Even if these things are difficult to pinpoint, realize that in your deepest, darkest, most difficult moments, you gained something. Your most painful times should not be looked at as things you wish didn't happen, but as insightful, enriching experiences that made you who you are and made you better."

On outcomes:

"I'm not advocating Process Goal participation ribbons for everyone, regardless of whether you achieved your Outcome. Outcomes matter. But we must view them in proper context and resist the temptation to use the blanket dichotomy of success and failure when it's the only indicator to which we're paying attention."

On small wins:

"In one day, it is insignificant. You barely even notice it. After a week, you probably won't notice it either. After a month, you start to see things happening. After a quarter, the changes become more obvious. After a year (and beyond) the entire trajectory of your achievements have changed.

All from something small and sustainable.

This is the boring part of excellence that The Norm neither understands, appreciates, nor ever fully embraces."

On execution:

"Goal achievement doesn't happen by hoping you'll be dealt the best cards. It happens by playing your best hand."

On performance expectations:

"It's the mentality of selectively low execution on a daily basis, with high expectations of outcomes on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis, that delivers extraordinary results."

On accountability:

"What if we told a better story about accountability? Instead of it being something that's only affixed to the weak and weary -- a heavy cloak bearing our spineless ineptitude -- could we look at accountability as one of the best ways to ensure we achieve our goals?"

On comparison:

"But we believe otherwise. We most often see the public successes, not the private struggles, and deem these people to have something that we don't. We put them on an unreachable pedestal above us. It's unfortunate and inaccurate. Their achievements can be our achievements."

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 168 Pages
  • File Size: 7,522 KB

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