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Advanced Mythology


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From a New York Times bestseller, the final book of Mythology 101 series, featuring elves who live in a university library.

Keith Doyle has made it to graduate school! In between classes and hanging out with his magical friends, the Little Folk, he has a new job as a copywriter for PDQ advertising agency, working on a campaign for a revolutionary electronic device. His plans for the party to end all parties on Hollow Tree Farm are coming along nicely. Things are not so rosy for the Little Folk. They're being haunted not only by malevolent spirits passing through their cellar, but a Big Person who has discovered Keith's supposedly well-camouflaged invitation to all creatures magical. Keith finds himself in danger trying to keep out of the hands of the industrial spy. Not only does he have to protect the trade secrets of his client's firm, but his friends and their home. Can Keith's ingenuity and his limited magic keep the elves from being revealed to the world? Will the party ever take place? Will Keith ever get his hands on one of those wonderful devices?

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 409 Pages
  • File Size: 1,963 KB

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