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The Angel In Purgatory


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On the arrival of her eighteenth birthday, Seraphina, a distant descendant of the Devil, must meet the man himself to determine whether she is worthy to work under his reign in one of his kingdoms. However, when she is offered a job as a punisher in the kingdom of Lust, she refuses. Unfortunately for her, no one says no to the Devil.
Unsatisfied with her decision, Lucifer kidnaps her brother and hides him in the land of Purgatory, a realm where tormented souls face their trials and retribution. Seraphina with the help of Killian, a family friend and mentor, must journey between realms in order to retrieve her brother and bring him back safely.

Can Killian restrain himself from falling in love with her and hide the horrors of his past when she can read his every thought? Can Seraphina focus on her mission when her heart's desire is right by her side, as he lustfully gazes upon her?

With danger at every corner and immortal creatures lurking in the shadows, is it safer to dance with the Devil?
Or risk fighting the monsters that reside between Heaven and Hell?

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