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Kahlil Gibran's Little Book of Secrets

by , (Hampton Roads Publishing)

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One of the most popular and profound inspirational writers of all time explores the mysteries of life, sharing bite-sized wisdom for daily living.

This book is a collection of Gibran's words on life's big questions and the mysteries of the spiritual path. It is an exploration of the riddles and conundrums that are part of the fabric of existence, and it is an attempt to penetrate and explain the mysteries of life.

Gibran was fascinated by life's puzzles and riddles -- those questions that cause us to stop what we are doing and ask, "Why?" Here are his musings about the seemingly unanswerable questions and his exploration of good and evil, love and hate, and the difference between appearances and reality.

Kahlil Gibran's Little Book of Secrets is organized into five sections that elucidate the key issues and questions that each of us face:

• Entering the Labyrinth of Life

• Secrets of Life and Death

• Life's Ups and Downs

• Secrets of Good and Evil

• Traveling the Inner Path

This inspirational volume gently guides readers through life's big issues: meaning and mortality, good and evil, and discovering an authentic spiritual path. Suitable for all gift-giving occasions, it is a book that delights, informs, and inspires.

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: April 1, 2019
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 210 Pages
  • File Size: 2,989 KB

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