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The Vlatsov Plot


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Edward is a brilliant scientist working at a top secret research centre in the middle of the desert where the workers have been locked away to do their work in the name of patriotism. The guards on the gate are there not to keep people out but to make sure nobody leaves without supervision. After twenty years he wants to be free to live his own life.
Daniel Carlisle is a shipping agent who has a sideline in smuggling secret technology to anybody who wants it. He is hounded by the mafia who want to take over his shipping business, but he has made political enemies as well, especially when he agrees to ship a crate to India for a Bulgarian called Vlatsov.
Benjamin Carlisle gets a visit from his brother Daniel after not knowing where he was for the past fourteen years. But within days he is on his way to New York for Daniel's funeral, only to discover he has inherited much of Daniel's wealth and all of his problems. After attempts are made to kill him, he meets Dianne who had run a successful security company up until Daniel's death. Not wishing to struggle with Daniel's problems, Benjamin intends to sell the shipping company and return to his own life in London.
The problem is Vlatsov doesn't want to leave anybody alive who can interfere with his plot which on the face of it is the plot to kill the Indian Premier, Indira Gandhi. But when Mrs. Gandhi is killed by her two bodyguards, Benjamin realises that The Vlatsov Plot goes much deeper into politics and the drive by foreign powers for world domination.
This fictional story is not about what did happen but about what could happen

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 496 Pages
  • File Size: 2,423 KB

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