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In the town of Three Rivers, Clare Spencer dreams of a life beyond the confines of her familiar world. Each day is a step towards her ultimate goal: to graduate and leave Three Rivers behind forever. But her carefully laid plans take an unexpected turn with the arrival of Fox Pippin, the intriguing new kid from Seattle.

Sparks, the first in the Riverside Redemption series, is a captivating tale of unexpected love in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. Clare, determined and focused, finds her world and perspectives shifting as Fox Pippin enters her life. His arrival brings a whirlwind of change, challenging Clare's notions of what she wants and where she belongs.

As Clare navigates the complexities of love, she confronts her own fears and desires. Fox, with his own set of secrets and experiences, opens her eyes to new possibilities. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring what it means to find true connection and acceptance in a world that often feels tumultuous and unpredictable.

Set against the backdrop of a riverside town teeming with its own dramas and stories, Sparks is a story about the transformative power of love. It's a narrative that beautifully intertwines the struggles of youth, the angst of change, and the magic of finding someone who alters your world in the most unexpected ways.

Join Clare and Fox as they discover that sometimes the path to finding oneself is not a solitary journey, but one that is illuminated by another. In the end, Sparks is more than just a story of young love; it's about the light that ignites within us when we open our hearts to the unexpected.

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  • We started tracking this book on May 24, 2024.
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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 279 Pages
  • File Size: 1,965 KB

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