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The Neighbor


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What if you catch your neighbor digging a hole in his backyard?

Kyle Cooper was the neighbor everyone would want to have. Him and Ivy Winslow became close friends. When he would see her out in her garden he would come help. Then one day Ivy was watching the news, there was a missing girl. That is when she realized they described her neighbors truck had been spotted on the scene when the girl went missing. Ivy got an unsettling feeling about her neighbor after that. She started noticing him watching her and her family.

The Winslow family moved to Colorado from Alabama. Ivy was glad to have left her old neighbor behind. Once the Winslow family settled into their new home, there started to be missing girls in their new town. Then one day Ivy was driving into town and bumped into Kyle at the store. That unsettling feeling came back. Then on her way home she discovered he had moved right next door to them. Was it a coincidence or was Ivy being paranoid? She befriends Kyle again, so she can keep a close eye on him. That is when she discovers he has a room in his house that is locked. What is behind that door?

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Additional Info

  • Publication Date: February 16, 2024
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 404 Pages
  • File Size: 1,797 KB

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