



I'd heard the rumors about bizarre phenomena and a disturbing atmosphere at the Romanova Ballet Conservatory. I didn't care. My dream was within reach. I was auditioning for Alexandra Romanova, one of the Kirov Ballet's greatest superstars. Every nerve in my body tingled with anticipation. Nothing would stop me, not even the whisper, I need you, when I arrived at the conservatory prepared to dance my heart out. Then, a raging midday storm hit halfway through the class, unleashing its fury, knocking out power, and engulfing the dance studio in pitch-black darkness. While thunder shook the walls and rattled the windows, we stood motionless in the dark, waiting for the gale to pass.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of lightning illuminated the room. In the mirror, I glimpsed a girl in a flowing white dance dress blending into the mist swirling around her, white pointe shoes barely visible. Her porcelain skin a stark contrast to her long, rich brown hair hanging over one shoulder. In the eerie light, her eyes locked on mine. She reached out her right hand toward me, a silent invitation.

Another lightning bolt flashed in the mirror. She vanished. The lights flicked back on. I glanced around the room. No one in the class was dressed like the girl in the mirror. Just nerves, I thought and shook off the strange apparition. When the class resumed, my focus was laser-sharp, and my ambition was burning brighter than ever. I had to impress Madame Alex. I would die for the chance to dance in her company.

"Fans of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural will thoroughly enjoy this thrilling tale. Whether you're a ballet enthusiast or simply love a gripping page-turner, this book is sure to captivate and entertain."

Moonlight created magnified shadows on the walls and ceiling. My feet pulled me to the center of the studio, where I felt a pulsating presence in the mirror. Don't look. But I couldn't stop myself.
She was there. Wearing her long white dance dress and white pointe shoes, her dark hair pulled smooth over her left shoulder. she stood watching me. Goose bumps rose on my arms when a cloud covered the moon, and the studio became black and forbidding. The hairs on my neck and arms were taut. My heart pounded. I was cold and sweating at the same time. The cloud broke up and its pieces blew across the moon's face. Through the shadowy silhouettes of the window blinds, dark blobs formed. First fat, then skinny, they grew skeletal arms with claw-like hands that reached and groped all around me.
My lungs heaved. I stood frozen, my feet felt stuck to the floor. Wild shapes swirled around me. Every nerve tingled, and I was sure I'd faint when a sudden energy surged through me. My feet came unstuck and propelled me toward the door. In the eerie light of the hallway, a dark figure passed across the entrance with unnerving speed. I screamed and stumbled back, terror coursing through me. My legs ached from the adrenaline burst. I had to get out of there. I ran full tilt, every muscle in my body straining toward the front door, when something unseen hit me, knocking me to the floor. I opened my mouth to scream.
Get your copy today then curl up in your favorite reading chair, and don't turn off the lights!

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Additional Info

  • Text-to-Speech: Disabled
  • Lending: Disabled
  • Print Length: 296 Pages
  • File Size: 816 KB

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