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Books by Amber Keller

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Night Terrors II: An Anthology of Horror


(64 reviews)

Just when you thought it was safe to crawl back into bed... we've got a new set of terrors! If Night Terrors made you pray for dawn, Volume II will send you into total madness. Step inside the secret chambers of the Vatican and experience the dark side of the papal elections. Meet people only a mother could love; listen to the dead speak, and even more disturbing, hear them cry. Discover... See More

Length: 251 Pages (677 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

$3.99 Price verified one day ago
Literature & Fiction

The Writer's Arena Anthology: The First Ten Battles


(3 reviews)

Back in April 2014 two authors, Joseph Devon and Tony Southcotte, decided on a personal challenge. They would take turns sending each other a mystery prompt and the receiver of that prompt would have to write up a story based on it in ten days. The idea was to get the creative juices flowing, get a little more work under their belts, and to have some fun along the way. From there the concept... See More

Length: 229 Pages (777 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

$3.99 $4.99 Save 20% Price verified one day ago

Somewhere in the Shadows


(3 reviews)

From the shadows of the night comes nine haunting stories from some of the most promising horror, science-fiction, and thriller writers out there. Tales of vampires, werewolves, rogue A.Is, bad roads, zombies, and even malicious words bring out the terror, suspense, gore, and even humor in modern horror. With an introduction by "The Imaginings" author Paul Dail and an eclectic variety of terror... See More

Length: 136 Pages (428 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled/Published: Nov 29, 2012

$2.99 Price verified one day ago
Science Fiction & Fantasy

Cobalt City Dark Carnival


(4 reviews)

Once a generation the carnival rolls into Cobalt City. With faded canvas and chips in the garish paint of the attractions, it could be like any other struggling traveling circus. But it isn't. The Carnival de Pomme D'or has been around for centuries. And when it comes through Cobalt City bad things happen: vanishings, murders, inexplicable robberies, a rash of murder/suicides, and a mounting... See More

Lending: Not Enabled

$0.99 Price verified one day ago
Literature & Fiction

Once Upon an Apocalypse: 23 Twisted Fairy Tales


(10 reviews)

Fairy tales are fantastical tales in which anything -- absolutely anything -- can happen. Most fairy tales don't involve fairies. Some have morals, some don't. Some are for kids, some aren't. The oldest were told by adults to adults. Fairy tales are populated by the weird and the bizarre. Elves and dragons, bridge trolls and deep-sea mermaids, sprites and goblins, talking animals and talking... See More

Length: 192 Pages (2,481 KB)/Lending: Not Enabled

$6.95 Price verified 19 hours ago
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